The SH2 Domain Interaction Landscape.
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The protein interaction network mediated by human SH3 domains.
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HuPho: the human phosphatase portal.
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MINT, the molecular interaction database: 2012 update.
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Mapping the human phosphatome on growth pathways.
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MINT, the molecular interaction database: 2009 update.
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Enriching the viral-host interactomes with interactions mediated by SH3 domains.
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VirusMINT: a viral protein interaction database.
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MINT and IntAct contribute to the Second BioCreative challenge: serving the text-mining community with high quality molecular interaction data.
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Linking entries in protein interaction database to structured text: the FEBS Letters experiment.
Ceol A, Chatr-Aryamontri A, Licata L, Cesareni G.
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